''aroundnicosia'' project , is mainly an Instagram blog , which i have created on November of 2018 and since then i am the administrator. My passion for photography and my love for my home-country's capital city Nicosia , pushed me to create an Instagram photography blog for promoting the city of Nicosia. The blog consists of reposted photographs of professionals , enthusiasts and hobbyists photographers.
AROUNDNICOSIA has reached more than 10,000 followers, hundreds of photograph posts and thousands of stories of people in Nicosia. It might be a personal blog, but it actually belongs to the city, to the people, to everyone that gets involved to it , shares amazing photographs and stories tagging and hash tagging aroundnicosia.
This project began , with not so clear goals , other than promoting the city with photographs , through the eyes of it's residents and visitor. And so it does my friends. Nicosia is a city deserves A LOT MORE in so many aspects. And this blog to some extent, tries to push in that direction!